Considering the COVID-19 pandemic in UK and other countries, IMMS 2020 conference, which was planned to hold in London, UK ever, has been coverted to full virtual style on August 5-7, 2020. Although participants cannot attend the physical conference, but we think that the virtual conference was also a rewarding experience for them.
ACM Digital Library - ISBN: 978-1-4503-7546-7 | Ei Compendex | Scopus
Prof. Shuliang Li, Life Fellow of the British Computer Society, the University of Westminster, UK, and School of Economics & Management, Southwest Jiaotong University, China delivered the opening remarks at the beginning of the conference. Afterwards, Prof. Philippa Ward, from the University of Gloucestershire, UK, Prof. Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas EdD, from GCU London, UK, Prof. Shuliang Li, from the University of Westminster, UK, and School of Economics & Management, Southwest Jiaotong University, China, and Prof. Michael Pace, from Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, USA made the keynote speeches, respectively, to discuss the latest progress related to Marketing Strategy and Sustainable Innovation in the Digital Space, Quantum Strategies, Models and Big Data for Supporting Management and Fighting against Coronavirus, etc.
Speech Title: Entity Matching From Unstructured and Dissimilar Data Collections : Semantic and Content Distribution Approach
From: Hitachi America Ltd. USA
Speech Title: Mixed-Integer Linear Program for the Operational Harvest Scheduling Problem – An Application to the Thai Sugar Industry
From: Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Speech Title: Supporting Social Workers with Summarizations of Patient Trajectories Extracted from Documentation
From: Bielefeld University, Germany